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NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:20 pm
by C_Fernance
Just read this on

"NEW laws making it an offence to raise or lower a car's suspension without proper approval is about saving lives, New South Wales Roads Minister Michael Daley says.
From August 1, car owners will be limited to raising or lowering their suspension by no more than five centimetres, and all modifications will need approval from Roads and Traffic Authority engineers.

Currently, a car can be raised or lowered by up to five centimetres without approval and by up to 15 centimetres with approval.

Mr Daley says while drivers may think a lowered car looks "cool" it really is dangerous and any adjustment of more than five centimetres doesn't belong on the road.

"I don't want to see young hoons putting their lives or the lives of others at risk, just because they think their car looks better 15 centimetres closer to the ground," Mr Daley said.

"Raising or lowering a vehicle's height can put the driver, passengers and other road users at risk.

"It can affect handling, braking and safety features such as electronic stability control."

Any vehicle that is raised or lowered after August 1 will have to carry a certificate stating that the modifications confirm to safety standard requirements."

I can see this causing a lot of issues. It looks like my daily driver Corolla will need to be engineered just for a set of King Springs!!!! I'd say just almost every NSW car on this forum would be lowered as well so it could cause problems for a lot of us.

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:13 pm
by turbosigma
FFS - Guess there be fines too.

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:22 pm
by Frosty
with any luck they'll only target the ones who are actually dangerous.

and wankers riding on air bags. :lol:

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:22 pm
by crystalmeths
typical the minority f*cking it for the majority :evil:

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:31 pm
by brendon
Typical of the RTA coming up stupid laws/bans on without actually thinking of the resources needed to enforce it.

hopefully engineering cert. will come down in price with more demand ;)

I'm was thinking the the other way to you chris.

They re alot of 4x4 with more then a 5cm/2" (1.968") lift...doubt they will be engineered, its almost standard practice with 2"
lift the minimum.

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:44 pm
by amgis_obrut
in reality why would you need any more than 50mm ?

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:02 pm
by turbosigma
amgis_obrut wrote:in reality why would you need any more than 50mm ?
but an engineering cert just to get the 50mm is a bit much. ... rhoons.pdf

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:29 pm
by amgis_obrut
turbosigma wrote:
amgis_obrut wrote:in reality why would you need any more than 50mm ?
but an engineering cert just to get the 50mm is a bit much. ... rhoons.pdf

why is it ? are you ok with the bogans that get around with bodgy lowered suspension with cut springs that could fall out over big bums and end up going through you windscreen (worst case but could happen)

I like doing things by the book and if i need to prove its safe im more than happy to, as i think its a reflection on ones ability, any one can mod a car not many can do it legally and safely

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:42 pm
by turbosigma
How else are we to get rid of the bogans :lol:

The 100mm rule works with them anyway.

Sounds just another way to hand out fines to me.

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:54 pm
by panda
Hey I dont care how much a car is raised or lowered, so long as its engineered safely.
I think the new rule should apply to the 'dodgy' kits that exist all too often, creating an unsafe car. I don't want one of them crashing into me or my family because of 'dodgy' suspensions.

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:09 pm
by Tj.
Oh well, looks like it's off to the suspension mob for me this weekend. :?

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:20 pm
by Sigmaproject
C_Fernance wrote:Just read this on

Any vehicle that is raised or lowered after August 1 will have to carry a certificate stating that the modifications confirm to safety standard requirements."
So how are they going to know that a vehicle was lowered after August 1

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:27 pm
Probaly ask for details on the company who lowered the car and check their records... ;)

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:47 pm
by amgis_obrut
DVSGAL wrote:Probaly ask for details on the company who lowered the car and check their records... ;)
i have it on my insurance policy that my car has been lowered 40mm

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:12 pm
by Sigmaproject
DVSGAL wrote:Probaly ask for details on the company who lowered the car and check their records... ;)
How hard is it to fit your own lowered springs :roll:

Cant see how they are going to police this one. Unless they start noting it on rego inspection reports (pink slip).

Then they have a record for the coming year.

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:24 pm
by tubby
You just dont realise how good it is to be in a state with lax automotive modification and registration till you see stuff like this.... :D

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 9:30 pm
by tandanus
The rear of my car dropped 5 cm just from age :lol:
It probably got a whole lot safer when I droppped the front to match.

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2009 1:53 am
by kodos
They don't know what my car is (GTO) let alone what the STD ride hieght would be :lol:

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:52 pm
by DanTurboLancer
Ill agree with Agmis about doing things properly.

But its much easier now that i can afford to do it properly.
Back when i was 17 I put the Grinder to the Springs in my XE Falcon.
Worst handling car ive ever been in, front was on the bumpstops half the time...
but i thought it looked cool....

I guess what they are saying is fairly true, its mostly for looks.
Rally cars cant be low and they Handle.
And the Race Cars, Super cars, and high end Sports cars arent slammed so the suspension will handle better, its for the suction to the ground with their Airflow....

But aslong as we dont adopt the Yank craze and leave the shocks stock, and start doing this crap LOL






Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:04 pm
by 81GL
DanTurboLancer wrote: Rally cars cant be low and they Handle.
And the Race Cars, Super cars, and high end Sports cars arent slammed so the suspension will handle better, its for the suction to the ground with their Airflow....
Depends on what you are aiming for, the lower you go, the easier it is to handle your car going sideways.

It probably is a good move, as in some of the stuff you see on road... cripes! on the other hand, not sure if this is the right way to go about it?

Good time to be in Vic (be a 1st :lol: )


Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:58 pm
by psshhhht
yeah totally agree, for once I'm glad I live in Vic, although with the twats here seeming to want to adopt the most stupid laws from the rest of the states, won't surprise me when (not if) Vic does the same thing. Personally think it's a waste of time - chopped springs are already illegal but heaps of people have them so I don't get the support for something that really is only going to change anything...

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 9:39 am
by Tj.
I found this response made by Pedders on

Good to see someones in our corner.

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 2:09 pm
by woops
Some bureaucrat with no idea about how large an impact this would make on the entire industry. How can they prove you have lowered suspension as often with alot of our older cars when you put in some lowed suspension it actually stays at the same height due to the sagging springs. They wouldn't have the records to prove what the standard height of your car is ment to be. It'll probably become something stupid where a officer determines your stereo is too loud if they think it is excessive.

The only real problem with lowering or raising the car is that it does change camber and caster on some vehicles.

Raising the vehicle is the biggest problem as it upsets the handling more at it typically increases positive camber whereas lowering typically gives more negative camber.

They should start looking at the greater anomalies in the road rules where most bonnet pins are deemed illegal as they could cut a pedestrian but a bloody big ass bullbar on a 4WD is fine. They typically aim for easy targets who tend not too have a large voice and the media doesn't help with their stories showing hoons but never suggest a solution apart from we should become mindless drones and conform to their ideals.

And talking about the modified and high performance cars, when was the last time you saw one on the media in some major crash. I have only seen lately commodores, falcons or 4WD's. The young people in 4WD's are the most dangerous as they often are involved in more accidents which cause death. They walk away but the sedan the hit is crumpled beyond recognition. Probably cause the high performance cars would have actually been able to stop or swerve around the situation.

Heck lakeside raceway has only just opened after 10 years up here in Queensland because they were too noisy for the neighbours. The neighbours knowing the raceway was there and then complained about it later.

That's the end of my rant

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:50 pm
by Torana68
heres a spot to do something about it (maybe) ... ars-in-nsw

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:35 pm
just remember it was the so called "Minister" who made the new laws, the RTA are really pissed.

as i have read in many places this will effect most if not all farmers, the SES, the bush fire fighters( who have modded 4WD's to carry the extra weight), ambo's, telstra, state rail, etc etc etc the list is almost endless.

it would be interesting to see how many government vehilces are effected


Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:53 pm
by sigmare
Instead of wasting tax payers dollars conjuring up stupid campaigns like this. Why dont they police inexperienced probationary drivers in high powered cars? Aren't they more of a risk on the roads?

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 8:42 am
by brendon

We Won!!!
Pending VSI 50 suspension regulations have been INDEFINITELY POSTPONED by the NSW RTA!

Seems mainly from alot of work from the 4x4 clubs

Re: NSW RTA rules on Lowering Cars

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:55 pm
by SpEc_OpS
I wouldnt go cheering yet guys its only been postponed they are prbly going to re write it then re instate it hopefully they will talk to some people who actually know wtf there going on about. There are quite a few cars out there with chopped springs and dodgy heat & compress setups in them not only are they illegal but very stupid. My mate got a well known suspension shop to heat and compress his spring in a gti swift yeh it looked cool but man it handled like a heap of shit and after a month or so it sagged unevenly and ended up costing more to replace the springs. i think if they do bring in a law it shoule be more along the lines of having a certificate supplied with the suspension job to deem it legal. When you buy a set of king springs for example there made for your vehicle all they would have to do is an engineers report on a car fitted with their springs and aslong as it stated that they meet adr bobs ur uncle. ofcourse if your car has other modification relating to the suspension its a diff story but i imagine you probably need a engineers certificate for other things anyway so the rule doesnt really affect you. And the rule is only on suspension says nothing about how 4wds get body lifts done thats even more dangerous then doing a suspension lift most people do it from home all you do is unblot your body off the chassis raise it with a few jacks and put in metal blocks on then use longer bolts. Not only does this raise your center of gravity but everything else is not lined up properly (steering, brakes etc).