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galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 9:38 pm
by galantgrunt
Hi guys,
I have read in a more than one post on this site that some of the galant coupes came out and were sold in Australia with 4g52's. What I am chasing is some documented evidence that would prove this to the guy doing my blue slip. You see I have changed the engine in my gd from a 1.6 to a 2ltr and this goes over the nsw 15% increase in capacity. But if I can prove that Galants came out with a 2ltr then all will be sweet no need for engineering.


Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:37 pm
by fridgeGB
Mate I can't really help because I don't much about that topic, I do know that I have a 4g54 in my galant and got the mod plate for it no worries. It is a 2.6l tho but I just told the guy that it was a 2 litre lol. It's registered in Qld tho andso I'm not sure how much more strict they are in nsw. I can have a look at wat my mod plate has written on it (never really had a close look before lol) and take a pic for u if that's any help. Fridgegb

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 12:42 am
by GC75

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:34 am
by shuggy
a 4g32 galant is the A112, the 4g52 galant is the A114 model. i have full service manual with all specs of the 2L here

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:41 am
by shuggy
no sorry the A114 is for the 1850 Astron.. (4G51)

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:59 am
by galantgrunt
Yeah it looks like the A115 was the 4g52 2ltr and there are a couple of brochures on the site but all in japanese. I need something I can take to the guy who is doing my blue slip and say here these came out with a 2ltr. I am not sure if they had to come out in Australia with a 2ltr? I have read on the brindebella website that there is a australian printed workshop manual that has the 1.8 ltr engine. Has anyone got a copy of this as this would bring me in within the 15% rule?

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:18 pm
by shuggy
yeh i have the manual that has the 1.85 l engine

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:13 pm
by galantgrunt
Mate that is good to know can you tell me what year model galant it was for and if they were actualy imported into australia? I think this manual may come in very usefull mate any chance of getting a copy of it? How big is it can you scan it? I Wonder has anyone got a copy of the A115 or 2ltr one?

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:16 am
by shuggy
well it is..
'Chrysler Australia LTD - GALANT MODEL A112, A114 SERVICE MANUAL chassis group' id#3887846

there are a few pages here
click on the links i edited into the first post

but the 1850 models are as follows
new colt galant 1850 sedan (A114A-(FJ, KJ and NGS))
new colt galant 1850 hardtop (A114H-(J, KJ, NUS and NGS))

FJ was sedan GL
KJ was sedan GL automatic
NGS was sedan GS and only available RH Drive
J was hardtop GL
KJ was hardtop GL auto
NUS hardtop SL (only available LHD)
NGS hardtop GS (only available RHD)

there is a manual on ebay right now BIN 49.95 ... 5d272bb364

good luck man

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:37 am
by shuggy ... ions_a.pdf

they are the complied aussie cars i think ahah.
no meantion of A115, but there is a 2.6L turbo 80's Lancer :P

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:41 am
by shuggy
this is cut and paste from
sayin there is also a A117 the 2.6L model?


Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:34 am
by galantgrunt
Thanks shuggy I hope he will accept that information about the 1850 from the service manual that would see me within the 15%. I found that fia document for holmogation but I am not sure if it is cams holmolgation or Australian vehicle RTA.
I guess all that talk of 2ltr galants been bought into australia is just that talk. I have not been able to find any evidence of this. And i am sure that I read this on this forrum somewhere?
Anyway thanks again for all the information guys I will just take him what I have and if he doesnt accept it I guess i will have to get it engineered.

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 3:53 pm
by Torana68
99% sure we got saturn engines only but if you get the parts book that should show brakes etc are the same as the Astron engined cars, part by part, so, for example, "if" they had different front springs you would need to fit heaver springs etc, off hand Id say the only difference in chassis will be springs, maybe a brake booster.

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:41 pm
by woops
The US got the 2000cc engine as an option but they also say it's only as an auto and power brakes are a required option. The aussies only ever got a the saturn engines unless it was a private import.

If you take a look at the GC equivalent Dodge Colt in the brochures thread and look for optional features section of the brochure. I can send you a higher quality pic of it if you need.

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:08 pm
by galantgrunt
Hi guys you are 100% correct by the sound of it this is the response I got from Ron at coltspeed in relation to the question of weather I could register a galant in nsw with 2ltr without engineers report. This is Rons Reply...
The GC/GD 2 door was sold all over the world with a 4G52 with the disy sticking out from the timing chain case cover, as was with the 4G32 engine (my guess this is the saturn engine)
All Aussie build engines are as Q (not sure what he meant here), so u will need a ER report which should not cost the earth (as long its STD) Main point is u are using a later engine than the origonal
so its emissions are cleaner. I have done hundreds of these including 4g54 as well with a average ER report around $300
Hope this helps,

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 2:48 pm
by amgis_obrut
wouldnt matter if it did come with a 4g52

from what i hear a new law has been passed where any replacement engine larger than 15% (regardless if factory optioned) must be engineered

for example if you have an LH torana with a 186 and you want to fit a 308 you need to get it engineered

Re: galant 4g52 evidence

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 5:41 pm
by galantgrunt
Well im not telling the bloke who is doing my blue slip and he didnt say anything about that so I guess unless it was in the last day or two I should be ok. I guess it would be gould to have this confirmed though. Any one got any documentation stating this?